Trying to Determine What an Audience Believes or Thinks About a Speech Topic Is Termed

Chapter nine Public Speaking

ix.three Audience Assay & Topic Selection


What Is Audition Assay?

The Constitution

One of the consequences of the Showtime Amendment to the Constitution, which protects our correct to speak freely, is that nosotros focus then much on what we desire to say that we often overlook the question of who our audience is. Does your audience care what y'all as a speaker think? Can they see how your speech applies to their lives and interests? The human action of public speaking is a shared activity that involves interaction betwixt speaker and audience. In order for your spoken language to get a fair hearing, you lot need to create a relationship with your listeners. Scholars Sprague, Stuart, and Bodary explain, "Speakers do not give speechesto audiences; they jointly create meaningwith audiences" (Sprague, et al., 2010). The success of your speech rests in big part on how your audience receives and understands it.

Retrieve of a time when you heard a voice communication that sounded "canned" or that fell flat because the audience didn't "get information technology." Chances are that this happened because the speaker neglected to consider that public speaking is anaudience-centered activity. Worse, lack of consideration for one's audience can effect in the embarrassment of alienating listeners by telling a joke they don't appreciate, or using language they find offensive. The best way to reduce the adventure of such situations is to conduct an audience analysis every bit you prepare your spoken communication.

Audition assay is the process of gathering information well-nigh the people in your audition then that you lot tin can understand their needs, expectations, beliefs, values, attitudes, and likely opinions. In this affiliate, nosotros will examine some reasons why audition assay is important and how you should utilize this information when selecting a speech topic.

Acknowledge the Audition

Moving picture yourself in front end of the audience, almost to deliver your speech. This is the moment when your human relationship with your audience begins, and the quality of this human relationship will influence how receptive they volition be to your ideas, or at least how willing they'll be to mind to what you accept to say. One of the best ways to initiate this relationship is past finding a mode to acknowledge your audience. This can exist as simple as establishing center contact and thanking them for coming to hear your presentation. If they've braved bad weather, are missing a world-form sports consequence, or are putting up with an inconvenience such as a stuffy conference room, tell them how much you appreciate their presence in spite of the circumstances. This can become a long manner toward getting them "on board" with your message.

For a political candidate who is traveling from town to town giving what may be perceived every bit the same entrada voice communication time and fourth dimension once more, a statement like "Information technology's dandy to be hither in Springfield, and I want to thank the West Valley League of Women Voters and our hosts, the Downtown Senior Heart, for the opportunity to be with you lot today" lets the audience know that the candidate has at least taken the problem to tailor the voice communication to the present audience. Stephanie Coopman and James Lull tell usa that Microsoft chairman Nib Gates often adapts to his audiences by thanking them for their participation in the figurer industry or for their grooming to participate in an electronic world. The authors say, "Fifty-fifty those brief acknowledgments let audience members know that Gates had prepared his speech with them in listen" (Coopman & Lull, 2009). We will cover audience acknowledgment further in Affiliate ten "Creating the Body of a Spoken communication".

Choose a Worthwhile Topic

Your selection of a topic should reflect your regard for the audience. There is no universal list of proficient or bad topics, only you accept an upstanding responsibility to select a topic that will be worth listening to. As a student, you are probably sensitive to how unpleasant it would be to listen to a speech on a highly complex or technical topic that you found impossible to understand. Nevertheless, have y'all considered that audiences do not want to waste their time or attending listening to a spoken communication that is too uncomplicated? Many students find themselves tempted to cull an easy topic, or a topic they already know a great deal about. This is an understandable temptation; if you are like most students, you lot have many commitments and the demands on your time are considerable. Many experts encourage students to begin with something they already know. Notwithstanding, our experience tells us that students frequently exercise this merely to reduce their workload. For example, if the purpose of your speech is to inform or persuade students in your public speaking class, a topic such equally fitness, boozer driving, the Greek organisation (campus fraternities and sororities), or credit card responsibility may exist easy for you to accost, but it is unlikely to go very far toward informing your audience, and in all likelihood, it will not exist persuading them either. Instead, your audience members and your professor will quickly recognize that yous were thinking of your own needs rather than those of your audience.

To avoid this trap, it behooves you to seek a topic that volition be novel and interesting both for you and for your audience. It will too exist important to exercise some credible enquiry in gild to ensure that even the most informed audience members will learn something from you. There are many topics that could provide a refreshing divergence from your usual academic studies. Topics such as the Bermuda Triangle, biopiracy, the environmental niche of sharks, the dark-green lifestyle, and the historic Oneida Community all provide interesting views of man and natural phenomena not normally provided in public teaching. Such topics might exist more than probable to hold the interest of your classroom audience than topics they've heard almost time and time again.

You lot should be aware that your audience volition non take the same set of noesis that you do. For instance, if you are speaking most biopiracy, you should probably define it and give a articulate case. If your speech is on the light-green lifestyle, it would be important to frame it as a realistic choice, not a goal so remote equally to be hopeless. In each case, y'all should use audience analysis to consider how your audition volition reply to you, your topic, and your bulletin.


Zip is more than deplorable than a rhetorical actor who endeavors to brand grandiose the impressions of others through the utilization of an elephantine albeit nonsensicalargot—or zippo is worse than a speaker who tries to impress the audience with a giant vocabulary that no one understands. In the first portion of the preceding sentence, we pulled out every bit many polysyllabic words as we could find. Unfortunately, most people will only find the sentence wordy and the meaning will pass correct over their heads. Equally such, we equally public speakers must ensure that we are articulate in what we say.

Make sure that you lot state your topic clearly at the outset, using words that your audience will empathise. Letting them know what to expect from your speech shows consideration for them as listeners and lets them know that you value their fourth dimension and attention.

Throughout your speech, define your terms clearly and advisedly in social club to avoid misleading or alarming people by mistake. Be careful not to apply jargon or "insider" linguistic communication that will exclude listeners who aren't "in the know." If you arroyo audience analysis in haste, you might notice yourself presenting a oral communication with no clear bulletin. You might avoid making whatever statements outright from fear of offending. It is much ameliorate to know to whom yous're speaking and to present a clear, decisive bulletin that lets listeners know what y'all retrieve.

Controversial Topics Are Important and Risky

Some of the most interesting topics are controversial. They arecontroversial topics because people have deeply felt values and beliefs on different sides of those topics. For instance, earlier you cull nuclear free energy equally your topic, investigate the many voices speaking out both in favor and against increasing its use. Many people perceive nuclear energy as a clean, reliable, and much-needed source of energy. Others say that even the mining of uranium is harmful to the surround, that we lack satisfactory solutions for storing nuclear waste, and that nuclear ability plants are vulnerable to errors and attacks. Another group might view the upshot economically, believing that industry needs nuclear energy. Engineers might believe that if the national grid could exist modernized, we would have enough free energy, and that we should strive to apply and waste less energy until modernization is feasible. Some might experience deep concern about our reliance on foreign oil. Others might view nuclear free energy as more tried-and-true than other alternatives. The topic is extremely controversial, and yet it is interesting and very important.

You lot shouldn't avoid controversy altogether, but you should choose your topic carefully. Moreover, how you treat your audience is just as important as how you treat your topic. If your audience has widely diverse views, accept the fourth dimension to acknowledge the concerns they accept. Treat them as intelligent people, even if you don't trust the abyss or the accurateness of their beliefs nigh your topic.

Adapt Your Speech to Audition Needs

When preparing a spoken language for a classroom audition consisting of other students and your professor, you may experience that you lot know their interests and expectations adequately well. However, we larn public speaking in order to be able to accost other audiences where we tin can do some skilful. In some cases, your audience might consist of young children who are not prepare to accept the fact that a whale is not a fish or that the moon is ever round fifty-fifty though information technology sometimes appears to be a crescent or a half circumvolve. In other cases, your audience might include retirees living on fixed incomes and who therefore might not agree that raising local taxes is a vital "investment in the futurity."

Fifty-fifty in an audience that appears to existhomogeneous—equanimous of people who are very similar to one another—dissimilar listeners will empathize the aforementioned ideas in different ways. Every member of every audience has his or her ownframe of reference—the unique set of perspectives, experience, knowledge, and values belonging to every individual. An audience fellow member who has been in a car accident caused by a boozer driver might not appreciate a lighthearted joke well-nigh barhopping. Similarly, stressing the importance of graduate school might be discouraging to audience members who don't know whether they tin even afford to stay in college to consummate an undergraduate degree.

These examples illustrate why audition analysis—the procedure of learning all yous reasonably tin can near your audience—is so centrally important. Audience analysis includes consideration ofdemographic information, such equally the gender, age range, marital status, race, and ethnicity of the people in your audience. Another, perhaps less obvious, demographic factor issocioeconomic status, which refers to a combination of characteristics including income, wealth, level of education, and occupational prestige. Each of these dimensions gives you some information most which kinds of topics, and which aspects of various topics, will be well received.

Suppose y'all are preparing to give an informative speech about early childhood health care. If your audience is a group of couples who have each recently had a new baby and who live in an affluent suburb, you can expect that they will be young adults with loftier socioeconomic status; they will likely be eager to know about the very best bachelor health care for their children, whether they are good for you or take various medical issues. In contrast, if your audience is a group of nurses, they may differ in historic period, but will be like in education and occupational prestige. They will already know quite a lot almost the topic, then you will want to notice an aspect that may be new for them, such as customs health care resources for families with limited financial resources or for referring children with special needs. As another example, if you lot are addressing a city quango committee that is considering whether to fund a children's health care initiative, your audience is likely to have very mixed demographics.

Audience analysis besides takes into account what marketplace researchers telephone callpsychographic information, which is more personal and more than difficult to predict than demographics. Psychographic data involves the beliefs, attitudes, and values that your audience members embrace. Respecting your audition means that yous avoid offending, excluding, or trivializing the behavior and values they hold. Returning to the topic of early on babyhood health intendance, you can look new parents to be passionate well-nigh wanting the best for their child. The psychographics of a grouping of nurses would circumduct around their professional competence and the demand to provide "standard of care" for their patients. In a urban center council committee meeting, the topic of early on childhood wellness intendance may be a highly personal and emotional outcome for some of your listeners, while for others information technology may be strictly a matter of dollars and cents.

Consider Audition Diversity

Diversity is a fundamental dimension of audience membership and, therefore, of audition assay. While the term "diversity" is frequently used to refer to racial and ethnic minorities, it is important to realize that audiences can exist diverse in many other means equally well. Existence mindful of diversity ways being respectful of all people and striving to avertracism,ethnocentrism,sexism,ageism,elitism, and other assumptions. An interesting "ism" that is not oftentimes mentioned ischronocentrism, or the assumption that people today are superior to people who lived in earlier eras (Russell, 1991).

Sociologists John R. Logan and Wenquan Zhang analyzed racial and indigenous diversity in US cities and observed a pattern that rewrites the traditional "rules" of neighborhood change (Logan & Zhang, 2010). Whereas in our grandparents' twenty-four hours a racially mixed neighborhood was one with African American and white residents, in recent decades, many more than people from a variety of Asian and Latin American countries have immigrated to the The states. As a result, many cities have neighborhoods that are richly diverse with Asian, Hispanic, and African American cultural influences also as those of white European Americans. Each cultural group consists of people from many communities and occupations. Each cultural group came to the United States for different reasons and came from different communities and occupations within their original cultures. Even though it can be easy to assume that people from a culture are exactly similar each other, we undermine our brownie when we create our bulletin every bit though members of these cultures are carbon copies of each other.

One of the author'south classes included two students from China. During a discussion of cultural similarity and departure, one remarked, "I idea we would have the same tastes in food because we are both from China, but she likes different spices and cooking techniques than I do."

While race, ethnicity, and culture may be relatively visible aspects of diversity, there are many other aspects that are less obvious, and then your audience is frequently more diverse than you might initially recall. Suppose yous are going to give a talk on pool condom to residents of a very affluent suburban customs—will all your audience members be wealthy? No. In that location might be some who are unemployed, some who are behind on their mortgage payments, some who live in rented rooms, not to mention some who piece of work as babysitters or housekeepers. Furthermore, if your listeners have some feature in common, it doesn't mean that they all remember alike. For instance, if your audience consists of people who are members of military families, don't assume that they all have identical beliefs about national security. If there are many business students in your audience, don't presume they all concur most the relative importance of ideals and profits. Instead, recognize that a range of stance exists.

This is where theframe of reference we mentioned before becomes an important concept. People have a wide multifariousness of reasons for making the choices they make and for doing the things they practise. For example, a business organisation student, while knowing that profitability is of import, might have a strong interest in light-green lifestyles, low energy use, and alternative energy sources, areas of economic evolution that might require a great deal of investment before profits are realized. In fact, some business students may want to be involved in a image shift away from "business equally usual."

These examples illustrate how important information technology is to utilize audition analysis to avoidstereotyping—taking for granted that people with a sure characteristic in common have the aforementioned likes, dislikes, values, and beliefs. All members of our audiences deserve to accept the same sensitivity and the same respect extended to them as unique individuals. Respecting diversity is not simply a responsibility within public speaking; it should exist a responsibility we strive to embrace in all our human interactions.

Avert Offending Your Audience

It might seem obvious that speakers should use audience analysis to avoid making offensive remarks, simply even very experienced speakers sometimes forget this basic rule. If yous were an Anglo-American elected official addressing a Latino audience, would yous brand a joke about a Mexican American person's name sounding like to the name of a pop brand of tequila? In fact, a state governor did only that in June 2011. Not suprisingly, news organizations covering the outcome reported that the joke fell flat (Shahid, 2011). People are members of groups they didn't choose and tin't modify. We didn't choose our race, ethnicity, sex, age, sexual orientation, intellectual potential, or appearance. We already know that jokes aimed at people because of their membership in these groups are not just politically incorrect but also ethically wrong.

Information technology is not but insensitive humor that tin can offend an audience. Speakers likewise need to exist aware of linguistic communication and nonverbal behaviors that state or imply a negative bulletin about people based on their various membership groups. Examples include language that suggests that all scientists are men, that all relationships are heterosexual, or that all ethnic minorities are unpatriotic. Past the same token, nosotros should avoid embedding assumptions near people in our messages. Even the most subtle proffer may not become unnoticed. For case, if, in your speech, you assume that elderly people are fragile and expensively medicated, you may offend people whose elder loved ones practise not conform in any way to your assumptions.

Scholars Samovar and McDaniel tell us that upstanding linguistic communication choices require four guidelines:

  1. Exist authentic; present the facts accurately.
  2. Be aware of the emotional touch; make sure that you don't manipulate feelings.
  3. Avoid hateful words; refrain from language that disparages or belittles people.
  4. Be sensitive to the audience; know how audition members prefer to be identified (e.g., Native American instead of Indian, women instead of girls, African American instead of blackness, disabled instead of bedridden) (Samovar & McDaniel, 2007).

If you alienate your audience, they will terminate listening. They volition refuse to take your message, no thing how true or important it is. They might even go hostile. If you fail to recognize the complication of your audience members and if you treat them equally stereotypes, they will resent your assumptions and doubt your brownie.

Ethical Speaking Is Sincere Speaking

Ethos is the term Aristotle used to refer to what we at present telephone callcredibility: the perception that the speaker is honest, knowledgeable, and rightly motivated. Your ethos, or credibility, must exist established as you build rapport with your listeners. Accept y'all put forth the endeavour to larn who they are and what you can offer to them in your spoken language? Practice you lot respect them as individual human beings? Practise you respect them enough to serve their needs and interests? Is your topic relevant and appropriate for them? Is your approach honest and sensitive to their preexisting behavior? Your ability to answer these questions in a constructive way must be based on the all-time demographic and psychographic information you can use to learn most your listeners.

The audience needs to know they tin trust the speaker's motivations, intentions, and cognition. They must believe that the speaker has no hidden motives, will not manipulate or fob them, and has their best interests at heart.

In order to convey regard and respect for the audience, you lot must be sincere. Yous must examine the motives backside your topic choice, the true purpose of your speech communication, and your willingness to exercise the work of making sure the content of the speech communication is truthful and represents reality. This can be difficult for students who face time constraints and multiple demands on their efforts. However, the attitude you assume for this chore represents, in part, the kind of professional, denizen, parent, and human beingness y'all want to be. Even if you've given this issue little thought up to now, you can examine your motives and the integrity of your research and message construction. Ethically, you should.

Topic Selection

What practise you think of when you hear the word "purpose"? Technically speaking, a purpose can be divers as why something exists, how we employ an object, or why we make something. For the purposes of public speaking, all three can be applicable. For example, when nosotros talk about a speech's purpose, we can question why a specific speech was given; nosotros tin can question how we are supposed to utilize the data within a speech; and nosotros can question why we are personally creating a speech. For this specific chapter, nosotros are more interested in that last attribute of the definition of the word "purpose": why we give speeches.

E'er since scholars started writing about public speaking as a distinct phenomenon, there have been a range of different systems created to allocate the types of speeches people may give. Aristotle talked about 3 speech purposes: deliberative (political spoken communication), forensic (courtroom speech), and epideictic (speech of praise or blame). Cicero also talked most 3 purposes: judicial (courtroom speech), deliberative (political voice communication), and demonstrative (ceremonial voice communication—similar to Aristotle's epideictic). A little more recently, St. Augustine of Hippo besides wrote about three specific oral communication purposes: to teach (provide people with information), to delight (entertain people or show people false ideas), and to sway (persuade people to a religious credo). All these systems of identifying public speeches have been attempts at helping people determine the general purpose of their oral communication. Ageneral purpose refers to the wide goal in creating and delivering a voice communication.

These typologies or classification systems of public speeches serve to demonstrate that general spoken language purposes take remained pretty consequent throughout the history of public speaking. Modern public speaking scholars typically utilise a classification system of three general purposes: to inform, to persuade, and to entertain.

To Inform

The first general purpose that some people have for giving speeches is toinform. But put, this is well-nigh helping audience members acquire information that they do not already possess. Audition members can then utilize this data to empathize something (eastward.g., speech on a new applied science, speech communication on a new virus) or to perform a new task or improve their skills (e.thousand., how to swing a golf social club, how to gather a layer block). The most important characteristic of informative topics is that the goal is to gain knowledge. Notice that the goal is non to encourage people to utilise that noesis in any specific mode. When a speaker starts encouraging people to use knowledge in a specific way, he or she is no longer informing but is persuading.

Permit'southward look at a real example of how an private tin can accidentally get from informing to persuading. Allow'southward say you are assigned to inform an audience about a new vaccination program. In an informative speech, the purpose of the speech is to explicate to your audience what the program is and how it works. If, yet, you starting time encouraging your audience to participate in the vaccination program, y'all are no longer informing them most the program merely rather persuading them to get involved in the program. 1 of the virtually common mistakes new public speaking students make is to mistiness the line between informing and persuading.

Why Nosotros Share Knowledge

Knowledge sharing is the process of delivering information, skills, or expertise in some form to people who could do good from it. In fact, understanding and exchanging knowledge is and then of import that an entire field of study, callednoesis direction, has been created to help people (especially businesses) go more effective at harnessing and exchanging knowledge. In the professional earth, sharing knowledge is condign increasingly important. Every year, millions of people attend some kind of noesis sharing briefing or convention in hopes of learning new information or skills that will help them in their personal or professional lives (Atwood, 2009).

People are motivated to share their knowledge with other people for a multifariousness of reasons (Hendriks, 1999). For some, the personal sense of achievement or of responsibleness drives them to share their noesis (internal motivational factors). Others are driven to share knowledge because of the want for recognition or the possibility of task enhancement (external motivational factors). Knowledge sharing is an important office of every society, so learning how to evangelize informative speeches is a valuable skill.

Common Types of Informative Topics

O'Hair, Stewart, and Rubenstein identified half-dozen general types of informative oral communication topics: objects, people, events, concepts, processes, and issues (O'Hair, et al., 2007). The first blazon of informative spoken language relates to objects, which can include how objects are designed, how they function, and what they mean. For case, a student of ane of our coauthors gave a speech on the design of corsets, using a mannequin to demonstrate how corsets were placed on women and the amount of forcefulness necessary to lace one up.

The second type of informative speech focuses on people. People-based speeches tend to be biography-oriented. Such topics could include recounting an individual's achievements and explaining why he or she is important in history. Some speakers, who are famous themselves, will focus on their own lives and how various events shaped who they ultimately became. Dottie Walters is most noted as existence the showtime female in the United States to run an advertising agency. In addition to her piece of work in advertising, Dottie also spent a great deal of fourth dimension every bit a professional speaker. She ofttimes would tell the story about her early years in advertising when she would button around a stroller with her daughter inside every bit she went from business organisation to business concern trying to generate interest in her copywriting abilities. You don't take to exist famous, however, to give a people-based speech. Instead, you could inform your audience most a historical or gimmicky hero whose achievements are not widely known.

The third blazon of informative speech involves explaining the significance of specific events, either historical or contemporary. For example, you could deliver a spoken communication on a specific battle of World War 2 or a specific presidential administration. If you're a history buff, event-oriented speeches may be correct up your aisle. At that place are countless historical events that many people aren't familiar with and would notice interesting. You could too inform your audience about a more recent or gimmicky event. Some examples include concerts, plays, and arts festivals; athletic competitions; and natural phenomena, such as storms, eclipses, and earthquakes. The point is to brand sure that an informative speech is talking about the event (who, what, when, where, and why) and non attempting to persuade people to pass judgment upon the event or its effects.

The fourth blazon of informative voice communication involves concepts, or "abstruse and difficult ideas or theories" (O'Hair, et al., 2007). For example, if you want to explain a specific advice theory, E. M. Griffin provides an splendid list of communication theories on his website, Whether y'all want to discuss theories related to business, folklore, psychology, religion, politics, fine art, or any other major area of study, this type of speech can exist very useful in helping people to understand complex ideas.

The 5th blazon of informative spoken communication involves processes. The process spoken language can exist divided into two unique types: how-it-functions and how-to-do. The first type of procedure speech helps audience members understand how a specific object or organisation works. For example, you could explain how a bill becomes a law in the United States. There is a very specific prepare of steps that a bill must become through earlier it becomes a law, so there is a very clear process that could be explained to an audition. The how-to-do speech, on the other hand, is designed to help people come to an end result of some kind. For instance, y'all could give a speech on how to quilt, how to alter a tire, how to write a résumé, and millions of other how-to oriented topics. In our feel, the how-to speech is probably the most commonly delivered informative spoken language in public speaking classes.

The concluding blazon of informative speech involves bug, or "problems or matters of dispute" (O'Hair, et al., 2007). This informative speech topic is probably the most difficult for novice public speakers because it requires walking a fine line between informing and persuading. If you attempt to deliver this type of oral communication, remember the goal is to exist balanced when discussing both sides of the issue. To see an example of how you tin take a very divisive topic and make it informative, check out the seriesPoint/Counterpoint published by Chelsea Business firm ( This series of books covers everything from the pros and cons of blogging to whether the United States should have mandatory military machine service.

To Persuade

The 2nd general purpose people can take for speaking is topersuade. When nosotros speak to persuade, nosotros attempt to go listeners to embrace a bespeak of view or to adopt a behavior that they would non accept done otherwise. A persuasive speech can be distinguished from an informative speech by the fact that it includes a telephone call for action for the audience to brand some modify in their beliefs or thinking.

Why We Persuade

The reasons behind persuasive oral communication fall into ii principal categories, which we will call "pure persuasion" and "manipulative persuasion."Pure persuasion occurs when a speaker urges listeners to engage in a specific behavior or change a point of view because the speaker truly believes that the modify is in the best interest of the audience members. For example, y'all may make up one's mind to requite a speech on the importance of practicing good oral hygiene considering you truly believe that oral hygiene is of import and that bad oral hygiene can lead to a range of physical, social, and psychological issues. In this case, the speaker has no ulterior or hidden motive (due east.k., you are not a toothpaste salesperson).

Manipulative persuasion, on the other hand, occurs when a speaker urges listeners to engage in a specific beliefs or change a point of view by misleading them, often to fulfill an ulterior motive beyond the face value of the persuasive effort. We call this form of persuasion manipulative because the speaker is not existence honest about the real purpose for attempting to persuade the audience. Ultimately, this course of persuasion is perceived as highly dishonest when audience members detect the ulterior motive. For instance, suppose a doc who too owns a large amount of stock in a pharmaceutical company is asked to speak before a grouping of other physicians virtually a specific disease. Instead of informing the group about the disease, the physician spends the bulk of his fourth dimension attempting to persuade the audience that the drug his company articles is the all-time treatment for that specific disease.

Obviously, the primal question for persuasion is the speaker's intent. Is the speaker attempting to persuade the audience because of a sincere belief in the benefits of a certain beliefs or point of view? Or is the speaker using all possible means—including distorting the truth—to persuade the audition because he or she will derive personal benefits from their adopting a certain behavior or point of view? Unless your speech assignment specifically calls for a speech of manipulative persuasion, the usual (and ethical) understanding of a "persuasive spoken language" consignment is that you should use the pure form of persuasion.

Persuasion: Behavior versus Attitudes, Values, and Behavior

As we've mentioned in the preceding sections, persuasion can address behaviors—observable actions on the part of listeners—and it tin can also address intangible thought processes in the form of attitudes, values, and beliefs.

When the speaker attempts to persuade an audition to change behavior, we tin can often detect and fifty-fifty measure how successful the persuasion was. For case, afterwards a oral communication attempting to persuade the audience to donate money to a charity, the charity can measure out how many donations were received. The following is a short listing of various behavior-oriented persuasive speeches we've seen in our ain classes: washing one's hands oftentimes and using hand sanitizer, adapting one'southward driving habits to meliorate gas mileage, using open-source software, or drinking one soft beverage or soda over another. In all these cases, the goal is to make a change in the basic behavior of audition members.

The 2d type of persuasive topic involves a modify in attitudes, values, or beliefs. Anmental attitude is defined as an private'southward general predisposition toward something equally existence good or bad, correct or wrong, negative or positive. If you believe that wearing apparel codes on college campuses are a proficient idea, you want to give a speech persuading others to adopt a positive attitude toward campus dress codes.

A speaker can besides attempt to persuade listeners to change some value they hold.Value refers to an individual'south perception of the usefulness, importance, or worth of something. We can value a college educational activity, we can value engineering, and we can value liberty. Values, as a general concept, are adequately ambiguous and tend to be very lofty ideas. Ultimately, what we value in life really motivates us to engage in a range of behaviors. For example, if you value protecting the environment, you may recycle more of your trash than someone who does non hold this value. If you value family history and heritage, you may be more motivated to spend time with your older relatives and enquire them about their early on lives than someone who does not concur this value.

Lastly, a speaker tin can endeavor to persuade people to modify their personal beliefs.Behavior are propositions or positions that an individual holds every bit truthful or false without positive knowledge or proof. Typically, beliefs are divided into two basic categories: core and dispositional.Core beliefs are beliefs that people take actively engaged in and created over the course of their lives (due east.m., belief in a higher power, belief in extraterrestrial life forms).Dispositional beliefs, on the other mitt, are beliefs that people take non actively engaged in; they are judgments based on related subjects, which people make when they encounter a proposition. Imagine, for example, that you were asked the question, "Tin can gorillas speak English?" While yous may never have met a gorilla or even seen one in person, you lot can make instant judgments well-nigh your understanding of gorillas and adequately certainly say whether you believe that gorillas tin speak English language.

When it comes to persuading people to alter behavior, persuading audiences to change core beliefs is more than difficult than persuading audiences to change dispositional beliefs. If you find a topic related to dispositional beliefs, using your speech to help listeners alter their processing of the belief is a realistic possibility. Merely as a novice public speaker, yous are probably best advised to avert cadre beliefs. Although core behavior often announced to be more exciting and interesting than dispositional ones, you are very unlikely to alter anyone's cadre beliefs in a five- to ten-minute classroom speech communication.

To Entertain

The final general purpose people can have for public speaking is to entertain. Whereas informative and persuasive spoken language making is focused on the end consequence of the speech process, entertainment speaking is focused on the theme and occasion of the speech. An entertaining spoken language can be either informative or persuasive at its root, merely the context or theme of the voice communication requires speakers to think nearly the oral communication primarily in terms of audience enjoyment.

Why We Entertain

Entertaining speeches are very common in everyday life. The fundamental goal of an entertaining spoken language is audience enjoyment, which tin come in a variety of forms. Entertaining speeches tin can be funny or serious. Overall, entertaining speeches are not designed to give an audience a deep understanding of life but instead to office equally a style to divert an audience from their day-to-day lives for a curt menstruum of time. This is not to say that an entertaining speech cannot have real content that is highly informative or persuasive, simply its goal is primarily about the entertaining aspects of the spoken language and not focused on the informative or persuasive quality of the speech.

Common Forms of Entertainment Topics

In that location are iii basic types of entertaining speeches: the later-dinner speech, the ceremonial speech communication, and the inspirational speech. The after-dinner speech communication is a course of speaking where a speaker takes a serious speech topic (either informative or persuasive) and injects a level of humor into the spoken language to make it entertaining. Some novice speakers volition endeavor to turn an after-dinner speech into a stand-up one-act routine, which doesn't have the same focus (Roye, 2010). After-dinner speeches are first and foremost speeches.

A ceremonial oral communication is a blazon of entertaining speech where the specific context of the speech is the driving strength of the spoken communication. Common types of ceremonial speeches include introductions, toasts, and eulogies. In each of these cases, there are specific events that drive the speech. Maybe you lot're introducing an individual who is near to receive an award, giving a toast at your all-time friend'southward wedding, or delivering the eulogy at a relative's funeral. In each of these cases, the speech and the purpose of the spoken language is determined past the context of the event and not past the desire to inform or persuade.

The final type of entertaining speech is one where the speaker'southward chief goal is to inspire her or his audition. Inspirational speeches are based in emotion with the goal to motivate listeners to modify their lives in some pregnant way. Florence Littauer, a famous professional person speaker, delivers an emotionally charged speech titled "Silvery Boxes." In the speech, Mrs. Littauer demonstrates how people can use positive comments to encourage others in their daily lives. The title comes from a story she tells at the beginning of the spoken communication where she was pedagogy a grouping of children well-nigh using positive spoken communication, and i of the children divers positive speech as giving people little silver boxes with bows on top (

Topic Selection

A fork in the road (a trail in the woods)

One of the most common stumbling blocks for novice public speakers is selecting their first spoken communication topic. More often than not, your public speaking teacher will provide you with some fairly specific parameters to make this a little easier. You may exist assigned to tell near an event that has shaped your life or to demonstrate how to practice something. Any your basic parameters, at some point yous equally the speaker will demand to settle on a specific topic. In this section, we're going to look at some common constraints of public speaking, picking a broad topic area, and narrowing your topic.

Mutual Constraints of Public Speaking

When we use the discussion "constraint" with regard to public speaking, nosotros are referring to whatever limitation or restriction you may accept as a speaker. Whether in a classroom state of affairs or in the boardroom, speakers are typically given specific instructions that they must follow. These instructions constrain the speaker and limit what the speaker tin say. For case, in the professional world of public speaking, speakers are often hired to speak about a specific topic (e.g., time management, customer satisfaction, entrepreneurship). In the workplace, a supervisor may assign a subordinate to present certain information in a meeting. In these kinds of situations, when a speaker is hired or assigned to talk about a specific topic, he or she cannot decide to talk almost something else.

Furthermore, the speaker may take been asked to speak for an hr, only to evidence up and observe out that the consequence is running backside schedule, so the speech must at present be fabricated in only thirty minutes. Having prepared 60 minutes of textile, the speaker at present has to determine what stays in the speech and what must get. In both of these instances, the speaker is constrained every bit to what he or she can say during a spoken communication. Typically, we refer to four primary constraints: purpose, audience, context, and time frame.

General Purpose

The kickoff major constraint someone can have involves the full general purpose of the oral communication. As mentioned earlier, there are three general purposes: to inform, to persuade, and to entertain. If you've been told that yous volition be delivering an informative spoken communication, you lot are automatically constrained from delivering a speech communication with the purpose of persuading or entertaining. In about public speaking classes, this is the first constraint students will come in contact with considering generally teachers will tell you the verbal purpose for each speech in the form.


The second major constraint that you need to consider as a speaker is the type of audience you will have. Equally discussed in the affiliate on audition analysis, different audiences take unlike political, religious, and ideological leanings. As such, choosing a speech topic for an audience that has a specific mindset can be very tricky. Unfortunately, choosing what topics may or may non be appropriate for a given audience is based on generalizations about specific audiences. For example, maybe you're going to give a speech communication at a local meeting of Democratic leaders. You may think that all Democrats are liberal or progressive, just there are many conservative Democrats likewise. If you presume that all Democrats are liberal or progressive, you may end upwards offending your audience by making such a generalization without knowing better. Obviously, the all-time way to prevent yourself from picking a topic that is inappropriate for a specific audience is to really know your audience, which is why nosotros recommend conducting an audience analysis, as described in Chapter 5 "Audition Analysis".


The 3rd major constraint relates to the context. For speaking purposes, the context of a speech is the ready of circumstances surrounding a item voice communication. There are endless different contexts in which we tin can observe ourselves speaking: a classroom in college, a religious congregation, a corporate boardroom, a retirement village, or a political convention. In each of these dissimilar contexts, the expectations for a speaker are going to be unique and unlike. The topics that may be appropriate in front end of a religious grouping may non be appropriate in the corporate boardroom. Topics appropriate for the corporate boardroom may not be appropriate at a political convention.

Time Frame

The last—only by no ways least important—major constraint that you will face is the time frame of your speech. In speeches that are under ten minutes in length, you must narrowly focus a topic to one major idea. For case, in a ten-minute speech, you could non realistically hope to discuss the unabridged topic of the US Social Security program. There are countless books, enquiry articles, websites, and other forms of media on the topic of Social Security, then trying to crystallize all that data into x minutes is but non realistic.

Instead, narrow your topic to something that is more realistically manageable within your allotted time. You might choose to inform your audition near Social Security disability benefits, using one individual disabled person as an example. Or perhaps yous could speak about the career of Robert J. Myers, one of the original architects of Social Security1. Past focusing on information that can be covered within your fourth dimension frame, yous are more probable to attain your goal at the stop of the voice communication.

Selecting a Broad Subject area Area

Once you lot know what the basic constraints are for your speech communication, yous can and so start thinking well-nigh picking a topic. The first aspect to consider is what subject area you are interested in examining. Asubject field area is a broad area of knowledge. Art, business, history, physical sciences, social sciences, humanities, and pedagogy are all examples of subject areas. When selecting a topic, first past casting a wide net because it will help you limit and weed out topics chop-chop.

Furthermore, each of these broad subject field areas has a range of field of study areas below it. For case, if nosotros have the subject area "art," we tin break it downward further into broad categories like art history, art galleries, and how to create art. We can farther break down these broad areas into even narrower field of study areas (e.1000., art history includes prehistoric fine art, Egyptian art, Grecian art, Roman art, Middle Eastern art, medieval fine art, Asian art, Renaissance fine art, modern fine art). Every bit y'all can meet, topic selection is a narrowing process.

Narrowing Your Topic

Narrowing your topic to something manageable for the constraints of your speech is something that takes time, patience, and experience. One of the biggest mistakes that new public speakers make is not narrowing their topics sufficiently given the constraints. In the previous department, we started demonstrating how the narrowing process works, but even in those examples, nosotros narrowed subject areas downward to fairly broad areas of knowledge.

Recall of narrowing every bit a funnel. At the superlative of the funnel are the wide bailiwick areas, and your goal is to narrow your topic further and further down until just one topic can come out the other end of the funnel. The more focused your topic is, the easier your speech is to research, write, and deliver. So let's have one of the broad areas from the fine art field of study area and go on narrowing it downwards to a manageable spoken language topic. For this case, let'south say that your general purpose is to inform, you are delivering the oral communication in class to your peers, and you have five to vii minutes. Now that nosotros have the basic constraints, let's showtime narrowing our topic. The broad area we are going to narrow in this example is Middle Eastern art. When examining the category of Centre Eastern art, the commencement thing you lot'll find is that Middle Eastern art is generally grouped into four distinct categories: Anatolian, Arabian, Mesopotamian, and Syro-Palestinian. Once again, if you're like us, until we started doing some research on the topic, we had no idea that the historic art of the Eye E was grouped into these specific categories. We'll select Anatolian fine art, or the fine art of what is now modern Turkey.

You may recall that your topic is now sufficiently narrow, just even inside the topic of Anatolian art, there are smaller categories: pre-Hittite, Hittite, Uratu, and Phrygian periods of art. And then permit's narrow our topic once more to the Phrygian period of art (1200–700 BCE). Although we have now selected a specific period of fine art history in Anatolia, we are still looking at a 5-hundred-twelvemonth period in which a great deal of art was created. One famous Phrygian king was Rex Midas, who according to myth was given the ears of a ass and the power of a golden touch on by the Greek gods. As such, at that place is an interesting assortment of art from the period of Midas and its Greek counterparts representing Midas. At this point, we could create a topic near how Phrygian and Grecian art differed in their portrayals of King Midas. We at present have a topic that is unique, interesting, and definitely manageable in 5 to seven minutes. You may be wondering how we narrowed the topic down; we just started doing a picayune enquiry using the Metropolitan Museum of Art's website (

Overall, when narrowing your topic, you should start by asking yourself four basic questions based on the constraints discussed before in this section:

  1. Does the topic match my intended general purpose?
  2. Is the topic appropriate for my audition?
  3. Is the topic appropriate for the given speaking context?
  4. Can I reasonably hope to inform or persuade my audience in the time frame I have for the spoken language?

When attempting to get at the core of your speech (the specific purpose or proposition), you demand to know a few basic things nigh your speech. First, you need to accept a general purpose. One time you lot know whether your goal is to inform, persuade, or entertain, picking an appropriate topic is easier. Plainly, depending on the general purpose, you will have a range of dissimilar types of topics. For example, let's say you want to requite a speech well-nigh hygiene. You could nevertheless give a speech nigh hygiene no matter what your general purpose is, only the specific purpose would vary depending on whether the general purpose is to inform (discussing hygiene practices around the globe), to persuade (discussing why people need to adopt a specific hygiene exercise), or to entertain (discussing some of the strange and unique hygiene practices that people have used historically). Detect that in each of these cases, the full general purpose alters the topic, but all iii are however fundamentally about hygiene.

A specific purpose (for an informative speech) or proposition (for a persuasive speech)  should be a short, declarative sentence that emphasizes the main topic of your speech. Allow'southward look at an example:

Topic The armed forces
Narrower Topic The armed services'south use of embedded journalists
Narrowed Topic The death of British reporter Rupert Hamer in 2010 in a roadside bombing in Nawa, Transitional islamic state of afghanistan, along with five United states of america Marines

In this example, we've quickly narrowed a topic from a more general topic to a more specific topic. Let's at present look at that topic in terms of a full general purpose and specific purpose:

General Purpose To inform
Specific Purpose To inform my audience almost the danger of embedded journalism by focusing on the death of British reporter Rupert Hamer
General Purpose To persuade
Proposition To persuade a group of journalism students to avoid jobs as embedded journalists by using the death of British reporter Rupert Hamer as an example of what tin happen

For the purpose of this example, we used the same general topic area, but demonstrated how you could easily turn the topic into either an informative oral communication or a persuasive speech. In the first instance, the speaker is going to talk virtually the danger embedded journalists face. In this example, the speaker isn't attempting to change people's ideas near embedded journalists, just brand them more aware of the dangers. In the 2nd case, the specific purpose is to persuade a group of journalism students (the audience) to avoid jobs every bit embedded journalists.

Your Specific Purpose or Proposition

To grade a articulate and succinct statement for your oral communication, start by naming your general purpose (to inform, to persuade, or to entertain). One y'all accept the general purpose in mind, complete the following statement "After listening to my spoken communication my audience will……". For example, "After listening to my oral communication my audition volition protest the proposed housing cost increase in the dorms", or "After listening to my speech my audience will understand the procedure of finding scholarships for college."

Table 6.iii

Full general Purpose Audience Topic

After listening to my speech my audience will

To inform my audition sympathize the usefulness of scrapbooking to save a family's memories.
To persuade a grouping of kindergarten teachers adopt a new disciplinary method for their classrooms.
To entertain a group of executives appreciate the lighter side of life in "cubicle-ville."
To inform community members understandthe newly proposed swimming pool plans that have been adopted.
To persuade my peers in form to vote for me for class president.
To entertain the guests attending my female parent'due south birthday party laugh.

Basic Tips for Creating Specific Purpose/Proffer Statements

At present that we've examined what specific purposes are, nosotros are going to focus on a series of tips to help you write specific purposes that are appropriate for a range of speeches.

Audience, Audition, Audience

First and foremost, you ever need to think near your intended audience when choosing your specific purpose. In the previous section, we talked nigh a speech where a speaker is attempting to persuade a group of journalism students to not take jobs equally embedded journalists. Would the same speech be successful, or even appropriate, if given in your public speaking class? Probably non. Equally a speaker, you may think your topic is great, but you always need to make sure you think about your audience when selecting your specific purpose. For this reason, when writing your specific purpose, start off your sentence by including the words "my audience" or actually listing the proper noun of your audience: a group of journalism students, the people in my congregation, my peers in class, and then on. When you lot place your audience first, yous're a lot more likely to have a successful speech communication.

Matching the Rhetorical Situation

After your audience, the second about important consideration about your specific purpose pertains to the rhetorical state of affairs of your speech. Therhetorical state of affairs is the set of circumstances surrounding your spoken communication (e.g., speaker, audience, text, and context). When thinking about your specific purpose, y'all desire to ensure that all these components go together. You lot desire to make sure that you are the appropriate speaker for a topic, the topic is appropriate for your audience, the text of your speech is advisable, and the oral communication is appropriate for the context. For example, speeches that yous give in a classroom may not be appropriate in a religious context and vice versa.

Make Information technology Clear

The specific purpose statement for any speech should be direct and non also broad, general, or vague. Consider the lack of clarity in the post-obit specific purpose: "To persuade the students in my class to drinkable more than." Plainly, we have no idea what the speaker wants the audience to drink: water, milk, orangish juice? Alcoholic beverages? Furthermore, nosotros accept no fashion to quantify or make sense of the word "more." "More" assumes that the students are already drinking a certain corporeality, and the speaker wants them to increase their intake. If you want to persuade your listeners to drink viii 8-ounce glasses of h2o per day, you demand to say so clearly in your specific purpose.

Another way in which purpose statements are sometimes unclear comes from the employ of vernacular language. While nosotros oft use colloquialisms in everyday life, they are often understood only by a limited number of people. It may audio similar fun to take a specific purpose like, "To persuade my audience to get jiggy," but if you state this equally your purpose, many people probably won't know what you're talking most at all.

Don't Double Up

You cannot promise to solve the entire world's problems in one speech, so don't fifty-fifty try. At the same time, you also want to brand certain that you stick to one specific purpose. Chances are information technology will exist challenging enough to inform your audience almost one topic or persuade them to change one behavior or opinion. Don't put extra stress on yourself by adding topics. If y'all observe yourself using the discussion "and" in your specific topic statement, you're probably doubling upwards on topics.

Tin I Really Exercise This in Five to Seven Minutes?

When choosing your specific purpose, it'southward important to decide whether it tin can exist realistically covered in the corporeality of fourth dimension you have. Time limits are among the most common constraints for students in a public speaking course. Usually speeches early in the term have shorter fourth dimension limits (three to five minutes), and speeches afterward in the term have longer time limits (5 to viii minutes). While eight minutes may sound like an eternity to be standing up in front of the grade, it'due south actually a very short menstruation of time in which to comprehend a topic. To determine whether yous think you can reach your voice communication'south purpose in the time slot, inquire yourself how long it would have to make yous an informed person on your chosen topic or to persuade you to change your behavior or attitudes.

If you cannot reasonably run across yourself condign informed or persuaded during the allotted amount of fourth dimension, chances are you aren't going to inform or persuade your audience either. The solution, of course, is to make your topic narrower and then that y'all tin fully comprehend a limited aspect of information technology.


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